There are multiple reasons why you need a lot of pre-created folders. Making the folders by hand would be a very boring time intensive job. So make use of the available script languages in your system. I have written some examples below.
Create multiple folders with PowerShell
$prefix = "TST" $basepath = "c:\Temp" 1..100 | % {new-item -Type Directory -name $($Prefix.$_) -path $basepath } #Or with formatting the numbers to 3 decimals. 1..100 | % {new-item -Type Directory -name $([string]::Format("$Prefix.{0}", $_.ToString("000"))) -path $basepath }
Create multiple folders with CMD
for /l %i in (0,1,999) do md %i
Create multiple folders on Unix
mkdir TST.{000..099}
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