Last week I got a question about some old VB script which create a popup when the password of the Windows user is going to expire. They couldn’t use the old VBScript because they make use of both methods, fine-grained password policies and default domain policies.
Created a login script for creating pop-ups. The script checks if a domain user is member of a security group. If not then use the default domain policy.
I know the script can have some improvements but, it can give you an idea how to create such PowerShell pop-up scripts. If you post your improvements in the comments below, I will add them. For now it’s just about the functionality.
#You can add more groups by adding names and values like below. $PoliCys = @{"PassWordPolicyGroup1"="90";"PassWordPolicyGroup2"="120"} #If not in the groups above, the default password experiation policy is used $DefaultP = 180 #Show popup if possible experation is going below the following day count $WarnDays = 14 $Searcher = [adsisearcher]::new() $Searcher.Filter="SamAccountName=$($env:USERNAME)" $object = $Searcher.FindOne().Properties $Properties = @{ "Name" = $ -as [string] "PWLastSet" = $([datetime]::fromfiletime($object.pwdlastset[0])) "MemberOf" = $Object.memberof "CurrDate" = $(get-date) } # Output the info $a = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties $i = $null $PoliCys.getEnumerator() | foreach { If($a.MemberOf -match $ ){ $PopupSet = 1 $DaysLastPWSet = $a.CurrDate - $a.PWLastSet $DaysLeft = $_.Value - $DaysLastPWSet.Days $popuptext = "Your windows password will expire in about $Daysleft days. On $($a.PWLastSet.AddDays($_.Value)). `n`nUse CTRL + ALT + DEL and select 'Change Password... `n " If($i -eq 1) { $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup("More than one password Policys detected, ask the IT Helpdesk for more Info.",0,"Change WindowsPassword",0x1) } If($DaysLeft -le $WarnDays -and $i -ne 1){ $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup($popuptext,0,"Change WindowsPassword",0x1) $i = 1 } } } If(!$PopupSet){ $DaysLastPWSet = $a.CurrDate - $a.PWLastSet $DaysLeft = $DefaultP - $DaysLastPWSet.Days $popuptext = "Your windows password will expire in about $Daysleft days. On $($a.PWLastSet.AddDays($_.Value)). `n`nUse CTRL + ALT + DEL and select 'Change Password... `n " If($DaysLeft -le $WarnDays -and $i -ne 1){ $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup($popuptext,0,"Change WindowsPassword",0x1) $i = 1 } }
The post PowerShell password expiration pop-up appeared first on Rob V IT.