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Add new email alias Office365


One of our customers changed the company name. So the alias of all there SharedMailboxes on office365 needed to be changed. This script below contains 2 functions, the fist one is for adding an extra alias to the mailbox and the second one is for activating the new alias. This is the first time i scripted against office365, so it could be that the script is not faultyproof. But hey, its a beginning. Saved about 10 hours of manual clicking during the critical company name change.

    Add new office365 domain alias and Activate the new office365 alias
    This scripts contains 2 Functions
        1. Create a new domain alias
        2. Active the new domain alias and set to primary

    $AllMailboxes = Your mailbox filter for selecting your mailboxes
    $Domainsuffix = New mailbox suffix
    $Logfile = Logging the actions to a logfile
    NewMailboxDomainAlias -AllMailboxes $AllMailboxes -Domainsuffix $Domainsuffix -logfile $logfile
    SetNewAddressActive -AllMailboxes $AllMailboxes -Domainsuffix $Domainsuffix -logfile $logfile
    Log file stored in C:\.log>
    Version:        1.0
    Author:         Rob Verhees
    Creation Date:  20-11-2018
    Purpose/Change: Initial script development

function NewMailboxDomainAlias {

    param (


    Foreach ($Mailbox in $AllMailboxes) { 
        $NewAddress = $Mailbox.Alias + "@$Domainsuffix"
        $Mailbox.EmailAddresses += $NewAddress


            Set-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox.Alias -EmailAddresses $Mailbox.EmailAddresses -ErrorAction stop
            write-log -Level INFO -Message "Succesfully add alias: $newaddress" -logfile $logfile
        } Catch {
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message ":: Failed to add the following alias: $newaddress" -logfile $logfile
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message ":: Mailbox name: $($mailbox.name)" -logfile $logfile
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message $Error[0].Exception.Message -logfile $logfile


function SetNewAddressActive {

    param (


    Foreach ($Mailbox in $AllMailboxes) { 
        $NewAddress = $Mailbox.Alias + "@$Domainsuffix"


            Set-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox.Alias -WindowsEmailAddress $NewAddress -ErrorAction stop
            write-log -Level INFO -Message "Succesfully Activated the alias: $newaddress" -logfile $logfile
        } Catch {
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message "Failed to activate the new alias: $newaddress" -logfile $logfile
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message ":: Mailbox name: $($mailbox.name)" -logfile $logfile
            write-log -Level ERROR -Message $Error[0].Exception.Message -logfile $logfile



Function Write-Log {
        $Level = "INFO",
    $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
    $Line = "$Stamp $Level $Message"
    If($logfile) {
        Add-Content $logfile -Value $Line
    Else {
        Write-Output $Line

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Confirm:$false -Force

$CRED = Get-Credential
$SESSION = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $CRED -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $SESSION

$logfile = "C:\NewDomainAlias.txt"
$Domainsuffix = "contoso.nl"
$AllMailboxes = Get-MailBox -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq "Sharedmailbox"} 

NewMailboxDomainAlias -AllMailboxes $AllMailboxes -Domainsuffix $Domainsuffix -logfile $logfile
SetNewAddressActive -AllMailboxes $AllMailboxes -Domainsuffix $Domainsuffix -logfile $logfile


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